The "Decide Later" Option

If you see this icon in the RSVP column for a guest:

This indicates that the guest has responded "Decide Later" and set a reminder to RSVP at a later time. This response is akin to a "maybe" response. When a guest selects "Decide Later," it signifies that they have received the invitation but have not yet decided whether or not they will be attending.

Please note that the "Decide Later" option is not removable from your invitation. Lovebird provides options for guests to respond with Yes, No, or Decide Later. When a guest chooses "Decide Later," they have the option to set a reminder message to prompt them to reply at a later date. Upon receiving the reminder, guests can return to the invitation and submit their response. This feature assists hosts in receiving more responses and helps guests remember to RSVP in case they forget to respond later.

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