How to Add More Recipients For Your Digital Card
Adding more recipients to your digital Thank You Card or digital Engagement Announcement is straightforward. Follow these steps:
- Navigate to your Cards Dashboard.
- Find the card you wish to send to more recipients. Click the three dots next to the “View” button and select “Add Recipients” from the dropdown menu.
- Add New Recipients:
- Add Individual: Manually enter the names, email addresses, or phone numbers of your new recipients.
- Add List: Use the “Add List” feature to paste a list of emails or phone numbers, separated by commas, semicolons, or line breaks. Names and phone numbers cannot be entered using this feature as emails can (e.g., “Jessie Smith” <>). Phone numbers must be added first, followed by the recipient's name.
- For more detailed guidance, refer to our help article here.
- After adding your recipients, click Continue and then Send Now to deliver your additional cards.